This is the Algae Residences
How may I help you,
Don't be afraid to
Jump then Fall
This is the Algae Residences How may I help you, |
My best friend is the guitar. &I never need boyfriends.
I fall in love easily. With random things like country music, vampires,romance novels&colorful pens.
To me, Taylor Swift&The Saturdays are awesome.
I love little black dresses&scarves.
In my spare time, I like to design cards&conduct random science experiments like dipping eggs into acid.
Yeah&unlike normal humans, I like science, converging lenses&relative atomic masses included.
Secretly, I want to be a doctor& a guitarist on the spy when I grow up.
I love nonsense people who make me laugh.
&yes, I love inviting people to my house&being invited to other's houses.
I hate raindrops, airplanes, Jacob Black&jerks.
No, I'd never though that I was smart/gorgeous/talented.
I'm just a green colored pond scum.
A bitchy one to be precise.P.S My bitchiness is inherited, so beware of my mom. P.S And currently, I'm desperate for a new phone&a pair of flipflops. Indigo'09 1Hcube'08 2HighOnHiccups'09 Modern dancer |
- Thursday, July 29, 2010 @ 9:34 PM TAYLOR SWIFT IS GOING TO HAVE A NEW ALBUM!!!!! and i'm like over the moon/stars/mars/jupiter/pluto OMGGGGGG. i'm exhilarated/ecstatic/rapturous AKA HAPPYYYY! her newest single will be debuting on 16august(((((: it's like a belated birthday present from herrrrrr. LIKE OMG. THANK YOU TAYLOR!!!! and i'm going to make sure for the next 5posts or something like that, i'm just going to spam blogger with taylor swift's dazzling eyes, stunning figure, flawless face and gorgeous smile. MOVE OVER, BOYS. taylor's so hot it should be illegal. okay.i'm still very happy and i'm not thinking straight. YAY YAY YAY YAY. new album!!!! i'm going to upload the album asap once they release it. 25th october! i can't wait((((: moving on - yess,thank god. tomorrow's sports day! good luck to gardenia, oleander and ixora(((: may the best team win! oh&yes, you know what, i think sports is the most boring school event ever - okay maybe not, speech day sucks, meet the parents' ouyang talk's even worse. BUT IT'S BAD. like it's a total waste of time. like seriously, i'd rather coop myself with miss chin doing modulus or trigo or whatever than to sit there, watch rose cheer or see the people run or hear the announcer's scratchy voice over the ancient PA. hence, i'm putting my nerd specs on and i'm going to do homework during sports day tomorrow! 1. laura pranked me with a plastic cockroach. 2. and my scream was how the 11inch barbie doll would have sounded like if she had a voice. 3. i almost jumped onto laura's lap. 4. I TOTALLY EMBARASSED MYSELF. godddd, laura. OHYAY! THERE'S YOG TOMORROW but i'm not going to hyperventilate over any 18year old boys CAUSE I LOVE TAYLOR MORE THAN ANY RED-BLOODED MALE/FEMALE ON EARTH(((((:
you'll understand when you see it tomorrow. -A- - Sunday, July 25, 2010 @ 11:39 PM i can't find a picture that describes how i'm feeling now, and that makes me sad. but there are many, many, many more things that makes me happy. 1. i think i'm friends with krystal again!!! i think she's okay with me since we've had fun talking all the way through during ouyang's speech and discussing what subjects we want to take when we're in JC. let's hope i don't screw this up another time. 2. YOG makes me happy despite i have to bark/scream/holler at the dancers cause sometimes ARGH, it just gets into my way. thirty seconds till you're due to perform and you're not in your positions?! -SCREAMS- and me and yingyi just love being hoisted meters above the ground cause it's so fun standing there, being blur and in your own happy bubble. 3. and a boy makes me even happier(: he talked to me! (yeah, and get on with life. sometimes, people need to learn to accept that teenage girls, even the abnormal, have crushes on the most unrealistic people. he's attached, i get it. yingyi loves chace crawford, yeah, but he's in america.) 4. meet the parent session was awesome. good grades = happy teachers = happy parents = happy me. 5. and i've realized that when you put winning aside, you feel lighter and happier. i get this shoulder-shrugging, gappy-teeth-kind-of-sweet-grin feeling when i just lay on garde's mats and tease juniors and poking fun of yingyi. or when i crash ixora's practice. or when i crash ole's practice. okay, i realize i'm crashing way too many house's cheer practices. 6. and making friends with six-pack boys are fun. HAHA,i hope minru doesn't read this. but to burst my endorphin-filled bubble, there's school tomorrow. the weekend passes wayyy to quickly. yingyi; you're not a horrible lousy friend. anyone who can put out with my nonsense rambling about boys, vampires and humand alike, my frequent bouts of violents and mile-long strings of profanities, is an awesome friend. east coast park? we can go together. jumping off cedar? count me in. just remember, there's always me. -A- - Wednesday, July 21, 2010 @ 10:05 PM okay, so for a start, i guess i could say HAPPY RACIAL HARMONY DAY? but since it's not a school or a public holiday, it's not exactly a happy day in my dictionary. laoshi walked out on us today. okay, so she didn't walk out today, she is going to walk out on us. she's giving up on us. she gave the i'm-so-sick-and-tired-of-facing-a-bunch-of-brats talk and yeah, we're going to get a substitute teacher and blah, I'M GOING TO FAIL MY CHINESE LAH. fuckkkk, i finally began passing every exam under laoshi and then poof, she drops from under my world and yay, whatever, chinese Os are in what, less than 4months. dancing in the acid rain. staying up late till 12plus to do morning reflections script/powerpoint/chiong trigo homework. stressssss. it's finally taken a toll on me. i'm nursing a new-york-sized headache and vomitted twice this morning. UGH. and i'm suffering from an allergy attack from YOG food. GODDDD. i realized my paragraphs have hardly any coherence to it, but who cares. i'm not going to blog in the P-E-E-L format for god's sake. stereotypes. i'm being bored whatever but i have my bearings homework next to me, it's excusable. i'm not going to be whatever VIP that came cedar that day and talked about his overly dramatic malay-chinese-indian-gangster-friend-he-gave-me-a-pen-and-asked-me-to-do-well-for-my-studies-then-he-got-chopped-up story. (hey, i summarized his entire talk in one sentence) i've given up on the 'you're bimbo!' 'why?' 'cause you're a dancer?' thing. our entire lives (okay,maybe not), we've learnt to classify stuff and we even dedicated chapters of our primary school textbooks on studying classification of animals, plants, bacteria blah blah blah. and you're telling me not to sterotype people and group them up like what we do with gorillas and polar bears? i know i don't like being streotyped as miss-barbie-aka-dancer, but no one actually cares do they. just like, the platypus may not like being called a mammal. maybe they're trying to tell us 'hey, i lay goddamned eggs. make me part of the chicken family!' just like how double sciences people sometimes just like to diss themselves. and teachers just looooove to think that trip sciences people are like goddess and we can solve an inhuman physics question known to mankind. and i realize, i have no bottom line to this paragraph. okay,whatever,i've given up on doing math homework. oooh.i have a fever! just awesome. -A- - Sunday, July 18, 2010 @ 1:48 PM someone needs to remind me to blog cause i keep on forgetting. current mood: pissed. and maybe that's the whole reason why i kept hanging out with juniors ystd. cause idk, they ARE happy and maybe it's supposed to be infectious or whatever but i tend to forget that i'm a bitchy sec3 who is hated by mankind that kind of thing when i'm playing concentration with the sec1s. and fuck the teachers who go 'you're representing cedar, don't screw around with me', goddddd, we wait like up to 2 plus hours in a row and what do you want us to do? like hey, i brought my trigo notes and did my homework alrd, and i can't even enjoy myself? yay! and i love the YOG people. there's this super, super COOL and smart like nobody's business guy who tests me what is sin45degrees when we're elevated 7storeys above ground and my life is kind of like in possible danger. and he wishes me goodluck for chinese listening on tuesday, i alrd feel good(: and there's alan, awesome hip-hop dancer and he's hilarious. like he's a downright stand-up comedian who's good at whatever he does. and somehow, YOG just seems less painful when you have all this nice people to talk to(: okay, happy commerical break is over. time for me to bitch. irony of the day; i swear at my friends. people like yingyi. i'll just go 'fuck youuuuu' and she's fuck me back that kind of stuff cause we live in our profanity-and-depression-filled bubble but we know we've got each others back, yeah. and yet, i'm on my utmost behaviour which people who irk me. like i won't roll my eyes at them, curse them or even get violent (i'll get to that part later). i'll just pretend to love them when i don't. hypocritical bitch, yep, that's what you ordered. ohkay, someone's currently on my i-want-to-punch-your-teeth-out-of-your-face list. arghhh, not good for my heart health. i cannot believe someone can actually be THAT stubborn and irresponsible. oh&this part is the i-think-i-need-counselling part. i think i'm violent. like i may grow up and adopt pets and scald them with boiling water, grab a husband from the supermarket and abuse him that kind of thing? like seriously. i punched denise in school that day. and she bled. like nose-bleed-waterfall kind of thing. and i punched yy ystd during yog (sry, sry, sry!) and i was so worried she'd have a ruptured spleen or whatever. godddd, at least you know that you're my friends. maybe next time we hang out you'll need a bullet-proof vest and a million-dollar insurance. everything just sounds better with 'fuck' in it. -A- - Monday, July 12, 2010 @ 9:50 PM disclaimer: this message is not directed at any person at all. so after saturday's post went up, i got like this crazy amount of people thinking that it's them i'm referring to. okay, i'm not going to comment on what what whatever, cause if i wanted to say it i would have just typed your big and beautiful name out. but i didn't; so advice- {if you didn't do anything wrong, then you're not the one, but if the guilt's starting to eat you, good morning, here's your wake-up call} today was a horrible day and i was incredibly annoyed. okay, so the people are thinking now, oh, so she does PMS and get pissed and snap out of her hyperactive and smiling bubble. yeah, i do. 1. life's playing a trick on you when you realize you have two bio lessons in a day 2. and that you didn't do your math homework 3. and that your whole class spent 28 minutes arguing on 1 mark to get their A1 4. and that you didn't run your fastest bestest whatever for heats 5. and that you find out you need to perform dance in front of the whole school 6. and that your mom cuts your allowance from 20bucks to 12bucks 7. and yeah, does your life get any worse? life sucks, shop online. retail therapy never leaves your alone, it's always there to fill you with endorphins. and when it comes down to one of those days, i realize that my books and my guitar brings and smile on my face. laura; goodluck for oral tmr! i blogged about you, as promised(: -A- - Sunday, July 11, 2010 @ 11:38 AM okay, you know what. it's soooo hard to play good guy. so goddamned hard. to be the one who's responsible, the one who makes sense, the one who doesn't get lost in some warped fantasy. yay, whatever, i'm going back on my principles that i hate pertty face bitches and etc. but don't you think it's way easier to be the one that doesn't do homework and mutter fuck you behind the teacher's back, be the oh-so-i'm-a-barbie-doll person who hooks up with every red-blooded human with a dick, or treat life as if it's a popularity contest kind of thing. it's so, so, so, so much less tiring. (yeah, and making enemies is less exhausting than keeping friends by your side i swear) yingyi; i'm not trying to publicise or whatever, it's just i don't have a phone with me, you're not online and i think sending emails are gay. for a history kid, you're really bad at inference. why in the world would i bear a grudge on you, think that you're a fucked-up bitch who turns her back on everyone else, like hello, we're in the same boat. we both don't exactly love that person i am referring to. and for the last thing, you don't exactly care about the stunt-fight, do you? and yeah, it's not you. cause we're friends, and if it's you, i'll say it straight in your face. like 'fuck you, yy' yeah, so instead of obessing over really annoying and childish cheer politics(again, not you, yingyi), i've taken liking to skin care products. like wheeeee. it burns a hole in my wallet but then again, life's short and you can't exactly bring the cash into the crematorium so let's spend it and boost the economy and that ss jabber thing. UGH. -A- - Saturday, July 10, 2010 @ 7:20 PM HAHAHA.WATCH THAT. YESSSS, THAT THING UP THERE!!! it isn't exactly funny but i just LOVE the way they diss the werewolves. 'JACOB RUNNN!' 'GRRRR' 'A CHIHUAHUA?!' HAHAHAHAHAH.doggggg. yeah, so that's a movie for those who couldn't stand teenage girls and their vampire/werewolf boyfriends. hmmm&i havent' been posting for like A WEEK. one whole week without a mile-long-string worth of complaints about my new teachers(well, i'm complaining now), no i hate dance banners strewn all over or yeah, bitching about bitches(ironic huh) today was one helluva day. cheer at 7am and YOG till 4.30pm. welcome the sad life of dance. it's not all bright lights and pretty faces, but more of sweat, acid rain and sunscreen. BUT I HAD FUN. cheer was awesome, i love the rose cheerleaders. they're some crazy kpop people who never say never for everything. and i have the WORLD'S COOLEST AND RETARD-EST JUNIORS, like seriously. minru and her acs boyfriend (HAHA) eunice and clarice with the song-singing in the bus (MY EARSSSS) cherie and her rubber-band legs (LIKE SERIOUSLY) okay, and 5year old yingyi with her bangs, suyu with her fried-up but seriously funny brain. OHGODDD, i get abs from just laughing. yeah, but there are extreme ends to dancers too. you have innocent secone kids AND bloody motherfucking bitches who lie as it's a part of their everyday regime. LIKE SERIOUSLY. (oh and i forgot to mention my juniors are HORNY people. HAHAH. they're like licking each other's faces!!!! SERIOUSLYYYY.) ('like seriously' is my newest phrase after 'fuck you', i learnt it from grey's anatomy) okay, so you know on like hydrochloric acid and ethanol, there's like a sticker that says 'corrosive' or 'highly flammable' right? i'm pasting on for this part of my post, 'bitch-sive' and 'highly vulgar' and 'ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK' LIKE SERIOUSLY. friends fight over boyfriends.... money... studies... idk, something normal in the education system. and what, we fight over puny, insignificant stunts. FUCKING CHEERLEADING STUNTS. yeah, my voice is so incredulous as i'm reading whatever i'm typing out. okay, so yeah, apparently, winning cheerleading championships are SOOOO IMPORTANT that you turn back on everyone else, make everyone oh-so-fucking-pissed-off, and become a reincarnation of satan, the ruler of all evil. so blah, blah, blah. i don't really care who reads this. i need to let it all out. next, fuck fuck fuck you. you're the worst fucked up, lying, fake bitch EVER. you're like a talking bitch, a walking bitch, a BREATHING BITCH. a person is far better off being a slutty whore with AIDS or SARS or something like that than BEING YOU. OKAY AND YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT. I'M TYPING THIS IN CAPS CAUSE I HOPE THIS IS THE VERY, VERY, FUCKING LAST TIME I HAVE TO SAY THIS. LIKE ONCE AND FOR ALL AND THIS IS THE BOTTOM LINE, FUCK YOU, AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I. AM. NOT. IN. CHEER. LIKE SERIOUSLY, HOW HARD CAN IT GET FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE AT LEAST 8YEARS OF EDUCATION TO NOT UNDERSTAND THE FIVE WORDS. LIKE DO YOU HAVE A BRAIN ANUEURYSM AND YOU KEEP ON THINKING THAT I'M HELPING ROSE CHEER BECAUSE I'M GOING TO JOIN IT OR I WANT TO BE CAPTAIN OR IDK, LIKE I HAVE SOME EVIL I-WANT-TO-TAKE-OVER-THE-WORLD-SECRET-PLAN OR I JUST HAVE SELFISH NEEDS TO BE FUFILLED. FUCK NO, if you don't understand the 'i am not in cheer' part, it's okay dumbass. but you can just quit talking to anybody and everybody about what i'm helping rose cheer cause i'm a manipulative bitch who is going to kick a lower sec out and join cheer eventually and will rob the captain position from daphne. because not everyone is as fucked-up as you, i help rose cheer because i want them to win? seriously. and it's fun despite the late nights going through positionings and hour-long telephone calls with daphne and list of shit i write down during boring bio lesssons. SERIOUSLY. i don't expect any reward. i don't expect to hold the whatever cheerleading trophy(no such thing yeah, but still) or control the cheerleadings as if i'm like evil mojojo from powerpuff girls. major decision makings are in the hands of the cheerleaders, other stuff under the control of daphne. i'm like their MOTHER. the one who constantly nags at daphne to quickly set up practices, the one who has to ask the whole team to pay attention to the music, the one who drag mats after mats, the one who just jeopardizes her entire social life by making enemies with other houses for the sake of the team. and no i'm not being i-died-on-the-cross-see-i'm-so-sacrificial. I'M JUST SAYING, FYI. and don't go around, quote-quote from my blog and say that i'm just a bitch. LIKE SCREW YOU. ------------------------END OF CRAZY JABBER---------------------------- OHHHH, HEY EVERYONE TAKING BIO. WE'RE GETTING ONE MORE MARK FOR OUR EXAM CAUSE QUESTION 23 IS LIKE SCREWED UPPPP! YAY!!! and i think 3M's the one who kept on fighting for our marks. LIKE YAY, YAY, YAY. i should stop reading medical books, i'm freaking people out with the you-may-have-a-heart-attack talk. what's wrong with me. -A- - Sunday, July 4, 2010 @ 3:12 PM that's riley the ruler of victoria's newborn army from eclipse. and no, i'm not infactuating over a 26year old guy. it's for yingyi to hyperventilate. i want to be a vampire. and no, it's not because i want adrian ivashkov, my make-believe vampire boyfriend to marry me and carry me into the sunset. vampires don't die, that's one awesome thing, no need to worry about hypertension, blocked arteries, liver cancer and brain tumours. vampires can kill people, so when i'm pms-ing or when my teachers are behaving like a whiny bitches, i jump out of my seat, snap their head off and drain them off blood and not get in jail. vampires are hot and smart, you would realize that those authors never portray vampires as creepy creatures, they even make you think that red-eyed creatures are dazzling and stunning. hence, I WANT TO BE A VAMPIRE NOW. reason for my sudden i'm-offering-a-neck-to-bite-vamps-any-takers, I HAVE AN INSUFFERABLE ITCH TO MURDER MY MOM NOW. me: mom, i have 6As and i got B3 for my chinese. AWESOME OR WHAT. mom: do you want ice-cream? if you would realize there is no suddent exclamation of 'GOOD JOB', or 'THAT'S THE WAY, ATTA GIRL'. nothing, fucking nothing. i stay up late to 2 in the morning doing fucking annoying surds and logarithmns, my mom doesn't even compliment me. nicole gets a iphone for 6As, i get FUCKING CHEAPSKATE ICECREAM. and i'm not a whiny bitch or a spoilt brat, hey, i'm asking for my mom to say 'good job', i'm not asking for a million dollars, FYI. and even though i love my mom to buy me piano to celebrate my goddamned 6As, I'M NOT ASKING FOR IT. I DIDN'T ASK HER FOR IT. OKAY, I'M FUCKING PISSED. THERE'S NO POINT IN STUDYING IS THERE. oh wait, there is, then my mom says, 'how come you didn't get A1 for bio'. went out with yy and irene finally to watch eclipse, yay. the movie was o-kay but it was the fun we had after the movie. yy likes half-naked and fat werewolves (taylor launter) and pale, red-eyed vampires (riley above) yuck. and according to yy, i'm a four-timer. i don't even know who i love. adrian ivashkov, yes. and i think irene enjoys coughing and eating sushi while watching the movie. oh&i had yog ystd. it fucking sucks big time. ian's girlfriend hates me now, apparently. oh blah, not that i'd liked her anyway. &yog's propoganda (in fact everything is), you see the rosy painted picture on CNN and how we all work among the races and we love each other and all that fucking bullshit, we all know it's not that at all. we curse at justine the bitch (the instructor), whine when we have to start dancing, split ourselves up as if it's the indian caste system and raise eyebrows at the acs guys. that's the real picture. okay, and since the whole i-want-to-be-rose-cheer-captain, fiasco's over, rose's captain is: daphne ho whatever-her-chinese-name-is. and vice-captain is: a sec two called megan. and for the last time, I'M NOT IN CHEER. thankyou very much. -A- |
♥Aksone♥♥Aliah♥ ♥Aishu♥ ♥Atikah♥ ♥Amadea♥ ♥Amanda♥ ♥Anita♥ ♥Beverly♥ ♥Boonboonhuihui♥ ♥Carin♥ ♥Celastine♥ ♥Celine♥ ♥Celine♥ ♥Chewan♥ ♥Christina♥ ♥Clara♥ ♥Conny♥ ♥Crystal♥ ♥Daphne♥ ♥Dayna♥ ♥Denise♥ ♥Eugenia♥ ♥Evangelyn♥ ♥Flower♥ ♥Geraldine♥ ♥Haining♥ ♥Huijie♥ ♥Huiying♥ ♥Jelaine♥ ♥Irene♥ ♥Iznayye♥ ♥Jarule♥ ♥Jeremy♥ ♥Jiaying♥ ♥Jolene♥ ♥Kimberly♥ ♥Kor Woong♥ ♥Krystal♥ ♥Laura♥ ♥Lingyi♥ ♥Lynnette♥ ♥Maika♥ ♥Mardiana♥ ♥Minying♥ ♥Nadene♥ ♥Nadiah♥ ♥Natasha♥ ♥Nicole♥ ♥Miss Claire♥ ♥Pamphila♥ ♥Plingy♥ ♥Sarah♥ ♥Vanessa♥ ♥Xinya♥ ♥Yingyi♥ |
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