This is the Algae Residences
How may I help you,
Don't be afraid to
Jump then Fall
This is the Algae Residences How may I help you, |
My best friend is the guitar. &I never need boyfriends.
I fall in love easily. With random things like country music, vampires,romance novels&colorful pens.
To me, Taylor Swift&The Saturdays are awesome.
I love little black dresses&scarves.
In my spare time, I like to design cards&conduct random science experiments like dipping eggs into acid.
Yeah&unlike normal humans, I like science, converging lenses&relative atomic masses included.
Secretly, I want to be a doctor& a guitarist on the spy when I grow up.
I love nonsense people who make me laugh.
&yes, I love inviting people to my house&being invited to other's houses.
I hate raindrops, airplanes, Jacob Black&jerks.
No, I'd never though that I was smart/gorgeous/talented.
I'm just a green colored pond scum.
A bitchy one to be precise.P.S My bitchiness is inherited, so beware of my mom. P.S And currently, I'm desperate for a new phone&a pair of flipflops. Indigo'09 1Hcube'08 2HighOnHiccups'09 Modern dancer |
- Sunday, November 28, 2010 @ 10:28 AM ![]() i missed you, i miss your retardness. i miss the way you call me a nerd. i miss your ever-shining-through-black-clouds ego. i miss how you'd alwayds dodge whenever i wanted to kiss you. i miss playing with your fingers. i miss how we'd talk the hours away about the most irrelevant things ever. i miss how you always say you're screwed up when you're not, at all. and i'm sorry that i'm such a gutless chicken. that i'm so scared of screwing things up, choosing to live in a hellhole without you than to be thick-skinned and break the silence. that i said alot of stuff out of anger. that i said that you didn't matter. that i thought whatever we had wasn't irreplaceable. but whatever, the fiasco's over and we're back together again(: and that's all that matters to me right now. Anorexia Nervosa; An eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, and an obsessive fear of gaining weight due to a distorted self image which may be maintained by various cognitive biases. i just read the article in today's newspaper about anorexia. just like the parents mentioned in the article, i thought sufferers of such eating disorders were sixteen year olds who aspire to be models who live on the runways, or a screw is just loose somewhere in their hypothalamus. even taylor swift wrote about her high school friend suffering from bulimia, not her six-year old cousin who decided to hide her sandwich under the car mat after her ballet teacher told her she was fat. and it took me four years to realize that my best friend back then had an eating disorder. walking down memory's lane, i'm realizing that i have no right to even call myself her best friend. calling veronica skinny is an understatement. she's thinner than yy, thinner than peyling, thinner than possible everyone that i know now in cedar. and yet, she pinches her layer of skin on her forearm on a daily basis and told me she was fat. she never visited the canteen. she lived through church camp without pushing anything solid down her esophagus. i'd never seen her eat anything despite being her closest confidant for fifty two weeks. and instead of doing what oh high and holy stuff that taylor swift does like writing a song for your friend and moving her to tears and convincing her that she's beautiful on the inside and her dress size didn't matter, i followed her footsteps. i went on a crash diet when i was twelve. i survived on a piece of bread in school. i played basketball with people taller than me, stronger than me, non-stop just to gain muscles and lose weight. i offered to carry chairs during choir, run the extra mile for teachers just to shake off the calories. sure, i did lose ten kilograms in six months but it never made me closer to veronica than we started out from. being skinner didn't make me more popular. being able to fit into kid size clothings didn't make me smarter. i only became a more twisted and dark character squeezed into a tinier body. and that's probably the reason why i feel uncomfortable and just shut the hell up when dancers pinch their fats during practices and i routinely tell them that fats protect your organs. and i'll never go on a diet ever again. because eating disorder kills, and losing your lives to a deadly phobia of fat is most absurb thing ever. most ironic thing about veronica- her father owns a restaurant to feed people and yet his daughter never eats. to the lady who gave birth to me; make-up is an art form, not a slut form. do not lecture me how i look like a whore just because i wear eyeliner. do not go on and on about how much money i waste on stashes of make-up. do not pick on the very essence that i'm not pretty and no amount of pencils, liquids, powder is ever going to change that fact. for starters, you wear eyeliner. secondly, you've been buying make-up on the spy citing reasons such as my-son's-wedding-is-in-two-weeks-but-sorry-madame-you-dont-need-three-lipsticks-despite-the-fact-that-you-have-an-extremely-huge-mouth. and why am i ugly? cause i have ugly parents? and thankyou very much. -A- - Friday, November 26, 2010 @ 8:54 PM ![]() HAHAHAHAHAHAH okay. i'm sorry i'm crazy. 1. "WAAAAAH CAN SEE EVERYTHING AH!!!" is going to be irene ng's quote of the decade, i swear. like seriously, miss-i-direct-produce-and-act-in-porn-movies. HAHAHAHAH, 2. DANCE CHALET was selectively AWESOME. sec3s first night = AWESOME. singing 'dream on' AKA the ten cents song = AWESOME. porny, horny pervy shower time = AWESOME. dancing with chicken wings = AWESOME. ganging up with clarice to fondle(HAHHAAH)irene's thighs = AWESOME. ganging up with xiantong to taupok and bully yy = AWESOME. 3. thinking back on awesome memories = AWESOME. 4.WE.ARE.SCREWED.FOR.OPEN.HOUSE.I.CANNOT.DANCE.HIP.HOP.LIKE.WHAT.THE.SHIT.AND.MY.CONTEMP.IS.BARELY.MAKE-ABLE bottomline = D to the I to the E. 5. DAPHNE STOP LOSING YOUR THINGS. START SAVING MONEY!!!! (HAHAH.i dedicated you one bullet point cause you said i was a very nice girl over msn just now. so suck it up!!!! not everyone likes to empty your wallet and plan your accounts for you) 6. OH.MY.GOD.YOU.STUPID.BITCH.fuckyou. fyi, people are not telemarketers, we don't sit in front of a phone 24/7 waiting for it to ring so don't go on about how irresponsible we are when we don't answer our phones, GET A LIFE. and the reason why you fall into one of the categories of 'the people i hate most' - the acbc (act cool buay cool), i'm sorry but i'm better than you. just face the fact. and lastly, JUST SHUT UP AND STOP TALKING TO US IN THAT CONDESCENDING TONE. YOU ARE NOT OUR FUCKING MOTHERS. 7. S-O-R-R-Y yy): sorry for squashing you on the bed. sorry for stealing our blanket in the middle of the night. sorry for dropping your hashbrown at macdonalds. sorry for saying 'its quite easy what'. 对不起! 8. kudos for thinking that i have talent and saying it out. not that i'm being a proud bitch splashing arrogant essays on the world wide web but i really need to say a word of thanks. you guys were the first ones ever to appreciate whatever i was playing. THANKYOU. it truly means alot to me. 9. dear irene, deafknee, yy, denise, celine, xiantong, thankyou for making this just plain awesome. and even though we are partially tone-deaf, have sore throats and sing wayyyy off-key, we're still awesome. I WANNA BE A PASTRY CHEF SO FRIGGIN BAD. TEN CENTS, FIVE CENTS, ONE CENT! 10. MY BROTHER IS A STUPID ASSHOLE. he only got 229 for his PSLE. that's really dumb. or maybe i'm just a mean bitch sister. or maybe i should learn to factor in the fact that he has a learning disability and has an IQ lower than average. or maybe my mother should let the reality that my brother is not going to turn into a genius overnight dawn on her. but sorry bro, you're still stupid. 'imma not a virginnnnn' 'lost it to irene' 'algae's pregnant. clarice did not use a contraceptive that's why' 'someone teach clarice about the use of contraceptives aka condomssss' HAHAHAHAHAH, and you guys thought that dancers were high, holy and pure. well, 'fraid not, buddy. TEAM HORNY! cause we spam twitter with porny stuff. i'll say it one time, i'll say it two times, i'll say it many many many times (HAHAHirene) really, THANKYOU. irene! 谢谢你 for trusting in my ability not to screw up the sec4 farewell mash-up. and saying that my guitar playing sounded surprisingly good. and thankyou the rest of you for saying/agreeing for thinking that i have talent and i should take guitar up professionally. i've said it once, but i'll say it again, it really really really means alot to me. living under a roof where everyone condemns my love for music citing that it'll never work out, and saying that my taylor swift songs sound worse than construction noise pollution shit and putting down all my dreams of ever becoming a professional guitarist (it's put out already thanks to you mom), your words really changes everything. hence, thankyou. daphne; it does not make sense. how come the person that gets my heartstrings all up in a knot is the exact same one that untangles it? OH AND CANELE. ARE YOU READY, BABY? irene; 为什么you so annoying one! HAHAHAHAHA,keep asking questions! TSK, you blind kia. i secretly think that my laoshi is frustrated at me half the time because she scolds me at every single practice at least twice rain or shine. but sometimes she also has that i'm-going-to-laugh face when she looks at me. like when she saw me dance today. AHHHSHIT, but bottomline, my dance still sucks. -A- - Monday, November 22, 2010 @ 7:11 PM ![]() i freakin' love this man. i think it's just me. that i watch glee and unlike normal teenage girls with raging hormones, i choose to fall in love with hot hot hot and extremely drop-dead hot cheerios. and now, gay guys with a voice of a soprano. but, I.LOVE.CHRIS.COLFER.KURT.HUMMEL.WHATEVER. maybe i love him because his character both in glee and real life challenges the sterotypes and pushes the boundaries of the standing of homosexuals in today's society. or maybe he's the proof that any person is able to make it, no matter how different you are, even if you are openly gay, or if you sing like a girl (in a good way), or if you got bullied in school, or if you have a sister with epilepsy. or maybe he's just goddamned talented. CHRIS COLFER, ILOVEYOU. imma friggin cry cry cry baby. who the hell watches glee and bawls over kurt's defying gravity. who the hell watches glee and drop tears taylor's swift videos. who the hell watches harry potter 7 and wail and wail when dhoby died. ME. DANCE = YAY! blasting high school musical songs and click five oldies songs of our generation during break time is AWESOME. ilove daphne, denise, irene, yy((((: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLING YY(: I'LL GET A POST UP FOR YOU ASAP OKAY OKAY OKAY! GO.WATCH.GLEE. -A- - Saturday, November 20, 2010 @ 7:29 PM ![]() iloveyou. 6days of non-stop frustration bottled up, and i'm itching to bitch. 1. FUCK YOU. you know everything was fine and happy like a sun shining brilliantly as white clouds waltzed across the vast blue sky kind of day and you came into the picture and tore everything apart. do not give me that condescending stare when you are not even any fucking better than me. just my report book is enough to thrash you in the face. and do not try to act cool, act pretty, act smart when you're not. and being a two-faced bitch does not make you popular. and trying too hard doesn't either. 2. I WAS LATE. yeah, i got it. but you don't have to treat me as if i murdered someone, set someone's house on fire, stole a truck and rammed it into a 7/11. i was late. the end. 3. SERIOUSLY. have you looked at yourself in the mirror? have you noticed that the reflection staring back at you isn't exactly the most flawless person known to mankind? have you taken the time to observe your grades? have you noticed that your IQ isn't exactly higher than 160? have you turned around or taken a trip's down memory's lane and realized that you're not the most loved person in this world? i'm sorry to break the news, but some people aren't just the 'true friends' you thought they were. and stop acting like you're so good when you're not. as much as everyone hates to be put down, it makes you better. 4. YOU ARE GROSS. wannabes are probably the grossest people on earth. along with lians. and acbc (act cool buay cool) people. and it just so happens that you fall into every single category. you know, like a venn diagram and you're that portion right smack in the middle labelled 'disgusting, vomit-provoking, pollutant, irritant, disgrace to mankind'. do not talk as if dancing is as easy as walking. it's not, if you haven't realized. and hanging out with dancers does not make you a dancer. and do not look at me as if i'm weird just because i'm a slut like that and i have cooler friends than you (i'm sorry for you to hear that), you will never be what you want to be. 5. THIS IS FOR YOU. if you're thinking that apparently i'm the most perfect angle ever bestowed upon earth or that i'm the first person on god's 'list of wonderful people' and why the fuck am i bitching about other people as if there is no tomorrow. cause i need to get it off my fucking chest. if i don't type it all out here, i'll probably kill some people cause they're like a needle poking against your cornea. and i'm sorry if you think that i'm a bitch. cause maybe i am. this week is passing in a blur. a word to summarize it would be DANCE. and by the end of next week, half of my holidays would be gone. oh for the love god, what kind of fucking holidays is this. ; reports said that if your crush lasted for more than four months, it's love. but days trickle past like years without you and i've never gotten an answer to the question that invades my mind at midnight. who owns my heart? is it you or is it art? you're like a bullet that penetrates the thick amour plating that i've set around myself. you break the walls i've put up around myself. you show me that i don't have to be a bitch to be happy. but then again, you taught me that for every bit that love makes you happy, it can make you twice as unhappy. -A- - Sunday, November 14, 2010 @ 10:30 AM ![]() today is sunday, the first day of the week. and i just spent the first hour that i'm awake of the first day of the week opening my eyes, eating waffles and blogging. and i've not wrapped my mind around who actually reads my blog. like who actually enjoys reading annoymous declarations of love, pathetic whining over the lamest stuff and profound statements of love i share for strawberry, caramel, platinum blondes in general. if harry potter told you that he could grant any wish you could probably conjure up, what would you ask for? contrary to popular belief, i will not ask for instant popularity, or for the most flawless beauty known to mankind to be bestowed upon me, or to be blessed with the talent of a child prodigy, or to wake up next morning swimming in a ocean deep of green bills and gold coins. i will ask for someone to come back into my life. if anyone's thinking that it's you, it's probably not. cause it's a he, and his name starts with a letter E. i'm seriously doubting that i actually inherited genes from my parents. i'm considering that the likelihood of me being mixed up with some kid when i was three hours old and bald and bloody and wailing is kind of there. because no one seems to understand the language that i talk over the dinner table, the fascination i share over words with more than six syllable, the attraction of all things nerdy. i'm born into a family where they have hitler's family tree at the back of their hands. my dad has a drawer full of singapore's history notes somewhere in his room, my mom failed her sciences in her Os and As, my sister was a literature and history kid, my older brother majored in social sciences, my brother can label european countries on a map and tell you which day pearl habour was bombed. and i'm a sore thumb among everyone else. they all shut down when i talk about the various forms of tocopheryl acetate (aka vitamin E) and how former soviet union has enough smallpox virus to stage a worldwide massacre and leave me out when they travel to the goodly world of charles dickens and joseph stalin. thanks for making me feel welcome. really appreciate the thought and effort. Words can’t even describe the feeling I get when I hear a song and it feels like it is about me, like it was written just for me and what I’m going through, explaining my life, or something that’s going on in my life. Sometimes enough to bring a tear to my eye. It is amazing. It feels like the song was written just for me. Music is so amazing in that way, it can relate to so many different people all over the country, all over the world. Its like nothing else, it is the way you’re feeling, it’s you’re emotions, it’s happy, sad, inspirational, empowering, just simply amazing. with so many different genres out there, there is something for everyone. It brings people together, it is like a language that everyone can understand, wherever you’re from and it can touch anybody and everybody. All they have to do is listen. -Hayley Klinkhammer -A- - Saturday, November 13, 2010 @ 10:55 PM HOLYCOWWWWW. THIS IS FRIGGIN' ADORABLE. 'imma cheerleader, but i don't know what does this mean.' *points at shirt* ilove mini quinn! and little puck is AWESOME. -A- - Friday, November 12, 2010 @ 9:28 PM ohgod, ilove this girl to pieces. the songs that she comes up with are so brilliant and this is probably the first time in my entire lifespan that i actually look up the meaning of a word in a song. and the word's cheam, it's patriarchal and it means 'ruled or controlled by men'. anyway, thumbs up for people who have used an encyclopedia in the last six months, (attempted) to read 'my antonia' and know how the hell the dewey decimal system works. (prove me wrong but i have a sneaking suspicion that there are actually people who do not what the shit is the dewey decimal. if you were thinking it mean changing one fifth into zero point two, i'm sorry to disappoint you) dance was omigod-could-time-pass-any-slower. if the japanese were to invade singapore again, they should totally hire my dance instructor and install her in the torture chambers. 1. i don't know whether is it a good thing or not when your CCA forces you to put salom pas on your ass. and friggin' hell, it doesn't work! i still have a sore ass. 2. and i guess there's a reason why dancers are in dance and not like applying for a scholarship to juilliards cause WE HAVE NO MUSICAL TALENT. xiantong and i can sit at the piano for half an hour playing love story which pretty much failed. yingyi cannot play 'mary had a little lamb' HAHAHAHA, but she can now! *claps* and it took me like three decades to figure out how to play 'doe a dear a female dear...' 3. IRENE NG, YOU SUCK. i don't know why either. cause we do gay shit stuff after dance and steal PSLs' food. 4. i swear my dance instructor has a knack for demoralizing people. like she's probably the president of the let's-douse-cold-water-on-people club. and thus, all the 'i cannot do it' statuses the dancers have been spamming on facebook. 5. AHHH, DANCE. open house is in 16days and we just chose what song to dance to today. how efficient, guys. AK47s. ballistic missiles. nuclear bombs sure thing, these weapons kill. they kill you fast enough that you wouldn't be able to feel anything. but to me, your words are worse than these badasses. every punctuation mark you end your sentence with, every dot on your letter i, every letter t that is crossed is like a knife pierced through my skin. it doesn't kill but like hell, it sure hurts alot. or another nerdy-er way of saying it would be the pain that you unknowingly inflict on me is like how viral pneumonia would feel like. i feel like coughing every single thing about you off my chest, what it felt like tracing your hand with my fingers, what it looked like when you were thinking really hard but that never happens anyway, cause pneumonia kills. slowly. but before it does, it hurts so damn bad you want it to be over. Can I help you see you're more than just that deadly phobia of fat Cause I know that you'd feel better if you tried Barbie could you meet me in the real world Where girls don't look the same And ambitions take them higher than your artificial fame lately, i've been thinking that she's probably written a book on how to be popular. how to touch your friend's shoulder when your laughing at the wrong punchline cause it makes them feel better anyway. what kind of text to send on what occassion. where to hang out with the right crowd at the right place. how to scatter your sheer awesomeness on social networking site. dudette, even girls grow up and stop playing with eleven-inch dolls, when are you going to throw away that plastic shell of yours? i never got why people got pissed at other people who lament over their marks even though they're like second in class or something like that. it's not because they don't how to count their blessings or they're just greedy fat bitches that survive because A1s are like necessary for them to respire. it's just a case of 'different people have different expectations'. sometimes A is not enough, sometimes being top is not enough. you should only stop when you're perfect. one zero zero. one hundred. so please stop hating people who complain over their marks despite the fact that you may have an extremely hard on the eyes L1R5. (i'm not saying me. just commenting. i'm not that smart anyway) -A- - Wednesday, November 10, 2010 @ 8:51 PM ![]() Let me introduce you to: me! also known as MAGNESIUM WONG. evan! also known as OXYGEN NG. margie! also known as POTASSIUM NG. yingyi! also known as BORON FOONG. wanxin! also known as ARGON TAY. xiantong! also known as ZINC SEET. denise! also known as GOLD FUNG. retarded shit but who cares, IT'S THE END OF CHINESE O! LET FREEDOM AND PURE INSANITY PREVAIL! rule of the game - the most retarded name wins. O.M.G today was MAJOR fun. paying bubble tea with nine hundred and twenty cents in coins, debating with the guy at the bubble tea shop, bitching about juniors in the foodcourt, laughing non-stop cause it's just that hilarious, wishing that paper market was our second home, taking pictures with stupid things in the mall, poking at obese goldfishes and sitting at the train station for two hours. 'SOTONG ON!' 'ICE BLENDED!' 'LOOK AT THE FAT JIGGLE MANZ!!!' 'OMG. IS IT EATING ALGAE?!' lovelovelove today. never had so much fun in weeks. laughed till our jaws cracked, choked on food and trained our abs. tuesday afternoon was awesome too. lunch with the CRAZY instructors. sitting at the train station, missing seven trains in a row just to talk. playing the game of who's-life-sucks-the-most. maybe i won, didn't i, daphne? ; you know what, i think i might just have a change of heart. a teeny-weeny bit. cause i don't want to love someone who doesn't love me back. there's no rationale behind it. when you love someone, you want them to be happy. because it pastes a smile on your face. and forcing yourself on them doesn't work. so even if the both of us have to stand by the wall and watched our loved ones jump and fall into love with someone else, we just have to swallow that bitter feeling down our throats cause we don't get to choose who we can love. but at least you have it better, you have the courage to stand up for what you believe in. i don't. i just shrink into the size of a real algae and watch everything waltz by. just like taylor swift in 'teardrops on my guitar'. the first time it happened with A, i watched him gush about the girl he liked, long-night msn and sweet text messages (unbelievable i know!) and even though he pissed me off half the time. but i thought getting over him taught me a lesson. here we go again. i missed talking to you. we should talk more often. oh, and i screwed up cheena maaaanz): wrote bullshit. something about i lost my cat and the expensive way of solving the problem was to paste posters around the neighbourhood and the cheapo method was to leave a bowl of cat food outside your door and wait for kitty to come home. someone please tell me, what the shit was i thinking at that time? this holiday, i want to work hard. this holiday, i want to go to math geniuses' houses and learn differentiation. this holiday, i want to mug chem like i've never done before. this holiday, i want to feel smart. cause i know that my results are the only thing i have almost full control over. friendship problems, love problems, CCA problems are just oh-god-get-the-fuck-out-of-my-life. but this, my A1s, i can rein them in. plus, it makes me bitterly happy to know that i will get better grades than you because i hope it's a slap in your face. mean bitch, but whatever. get used to it. i swear, the next time i actually hear people saying 'OMG. CEDAR DANCE IS LIKE THE COOLEST THING EVER KNOWN TO MANKIND' i will give you ONE.TIGHT.SLAP. you want to try enduring muscle aches half of your life, bruises on knees and elbows, demoralization from instructors because they scream the fucking shit 'WHY IS YOUR TECHNIQUES SO LOUSY' at you and she shows you videos from other schools and you're like thinking gold-with-honors-are-you-kidding-me. think that dance is just shaking your bootie, raising your hands up in the air, look the same as the rest of the world and putting on a brilliant smile with heavy make-up and all and everyone loves you just because you're a dancer? for the love of god, NO. -A- - Monday, November 8, 2010 @ 4:31 PM ![]() what's the easiest thing to be in the world? anything but yourself. teachers and impending doom of exams flick the switch that turns on the shut-the-fuck-up-and-just-mug mood. comfortable friends and lovely weather turns on the crazy mode. two faced pieces of shit switches on the maybe-i'm-neutral-or-maybe-i'm-just-trying-to-keep-a-straight-face-since-i'm-fantasizing-about-pulling-the-trigger-of-the-gun-on-you. and sometimes it's just the 'i need to say something, laugh, say a bad punchline, talk about homework, anything, just fill up the goddamned silence' kind of shit. and it's so easy, just on-off, and on again, and off. fuck the 'you're my missing puzzle piece and i can't do without you', i thought one person would have taught me that lesson hard enough and each time i walk past her, eyes not locking is a tight slap in the face. i thought that by the proverb 'once bitten twice shy' i could breathe again even after some people's words knock the air out of my lungs. well, i'm still alive, holding on. with people like yy, xiantong, wanxin, margie, evan, crystal, eleanor, evan, woan chin where you do the most ridiculous things like debating on the birds, play hide and seek on the spiderwebs, fiddling with love match on crystal's iphone and laughing till we get abs, the walk through life is so much easier. and no, i'm not blogging anyone. i'm blogging about myself. THE BIG O. not that O, the other one. THE CHINESE OLEVELS. FML): Why did I invest on a love that had an expiration date? -A- - Sunday, November 7, 2010 @ 8:30 PM ![]() for the love of camwhoring(: my mom just threw a hissy fit over my studying just because no one wanted to go throng the streets of orchard road with her. like what the shit, mom, i'm waving a sign here that ways my chinese Os are in three days, and that's not supposed to be news but your facial expression is telling me something else. so welcome to the world where all your mom knows is how you to scold you when you didn't get an A1, but doesn't know when the hell's my exam and what the shit am i tested. thankgod for the invention of the guitar, or given how much pent up shit is inside me, my mom would have died and came back alive nine times. shhh, maybe she's secretly a cat. for the love of god, what happened to the times where we wanted someone to shove out of of the way we said 'excuse me' and not 'fuck off'. where the word 'best friend' existed in our dictionaries and we didn't have a truckload of friendship problems and a library full of names of enemies that irritate the hell out of you with their antics. and where reading you was as easy seven times three. i swear i'm not going to take a roller coaster for like the next thirty-six months cause i'm still feeling the aftershocks of the terrifying mummy roller coaster ride where the goddamned thing just breaks apart and crash into walls and everyone dies and there's blood everywhere and my friends turn into cadavers in my dreams. scary much. and i've decided that i don't want to die that early or that easily anymore (yingyi, learn from me) cause being alive is an honor. cause the public health officials spend millions to make sure that the food you eat is ecoli free and that you won't get dysentry from drinking tap water or that you would not get smallpox from playing basketball in school. sorry, this is the after-effects of finishing two and half nerdy science books about SARS and a whole ton of shit nobody cares when i should be mugging for Os. hey, but did you know that you could die in an air-conditioned room because there are bacteria in the cooling towers that causes the vascular inflammation of the lungs which is fatal? ilove reading science books because it gives a whole new definition to ending your life. irony of the day; the girl that loves the taste of strawberry cough syrup, buys a stash of paracetamol from the pharmacy, i'm actually reading the book on the deadly effects of overdose of meds. like how you can get cardiac arrests and lose your mind and be paralysed and all that good jazz. i'm praying, hoping, holding onto that last shard of hope that after all our laughs, all our long nights, all our sweet text messages, all our inside jokes that you actually care. and that you meant it when you said iloveyou. -A- - @ 12:27 PM ![]() well, i never needed an excuse. HAHAHAHA, ystd was a whole load of fun. major bitching session and let's-bully-yy-the-kid plan during dinner and just major camwhoring throughout the night. AND IRENE NG THE PYSCHO. OH THE HORROR, IRENE NG, ARE YOU READING THIS?!!!! and i dressed reasonably decently, i think. if you ignored the junior's and the fellow sec3dancers comments about the (not so) plunging neckline. i'm going to eat lunch now, coming back to spam photos from ystd. -A- - Friday, November 5, 2010 @ 8:59 PM one word to describe 'speak now' AWESOME. for people who say her songs all sound the same, gosh, this will so prove you wrong. the album has like songs that are 6minutes45seconds long (?!!!), to hayley-williams-ish rock songs, to lullabys, to songs with an ochestra in the background, and of course, the familiar love songs that we oh-so-adore. spent the whole day blasting the CD through the stereo until my brother could memorize the entire track list and my parents are calling me to turn the damn thing off. the girl with no flowers; i've missed you too! gosh, now we sound like those blond blond people on hannah montana that air-kisses eac other whenever they meet. HAHAHAH. for our next date, make it more awesome okay! and the reply to my paper towel letter! yy; i guess that's how the whole world works. and we've established the fact that life sucks, take drugs for a long time already, haven't we. yay, taylor swift! remember you're sponsoring my ticket to her concert! I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how I've never heard silence quite this loud Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room and we're not speaking And I'm dying to know is it killing you like it's killing me I don't know what to say since a twist of fate when it all broke down And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now ; remember in the train, you thought that i wasn't listening, you told her that you'd never want the two of you to drift apart. but it kind of happened didn't it? so if you never told me that you would want me to stay by your side forever, holding your hand and not letting go, does that mean you predicted this would happen? that we could be sitting across each other and you're looking through me like i'm glass, that you wouldn't look into my eye when you said good-bye, that i have a world of words to say to you but i just don't know how to type it into a text and send it to you? ilove how taylorswift has written a song for almost all the situations that we could be in. and this one's for us. i haven't been posting pictures in quite a while. someone needs to remind me to do so. -A- - Tuesday, November 2, 2010 @ 9:49 PM if you watched taylor swift on ellen 2010, you might probably maybe get a deeper understanding of why i, yours faithfully, and along with a thousand other girls in the world is love with the girl. and that we would play 'love story' or 'mine' when we walk down the aisle, blast her well-known breakup songs when something didn't work out, laugh at the way her autobiography is written because she's some awesome writer with a way with words, smile tenderly at the comptuer screen when you see her on the behind the scenes of mine treating little kids to anything they wanted at toys r us. (and apparently the teens found the electronic sections and she bought them like an itouch each - imagine that - while the tods carry their barbie dolls half the size of them and toy cars and light sabres) has your korean pop star bought 6 itouches, tons of barbie dolls and thomas trains and star wars figurines for kids? (nothing against koreans. can be your italian pop star for all that i care) and for those who say she can't sing, well she's written a song for you (mean, if you wanted to know) and if you watched her recent performances, she's not as pitchy as before. and even if she sucked the hell out of herself, she has her compasionate and caring and lovable character to make up for it anyway. okay, i tried resisting spamming my blog with videos of taylor swift. but sorry, i failed. just two, okay? her reactions are priceless, my dears. oh, and if anyone wants to borrow her speak now album after i've gotten it, drop a hint, a text, a facebook message, a tag. anything. would be more than happy to share the music. the love. iloveyou, taylorswift. 9feb, i'm waiting. ; if you think that no one understands, think again. even the smartest people have felt low at some points of their life. they would have felt equally demented and moronic and idiotic and retarded and so on so forth. instead, think about the times where you felt smart. that time where you beat your partner to solving a math question, when you got first for a chemistry quiz, anything. and i swear, no one, no one judges you by your grades. if she does, then she's probably not your friend. and teachers are not counted cause they're all materialistic in the A1 kind of way, and dumb in a way. just claw your way back to where you belong. just checked my marks on nitrix. thank god for things that chem and ss/geog that put you 5th and 2nd in class respectively. had to look at my emath and amath mark with one eye cause it was just like last in class, second last in class and all the shit. -A- - @ 7:47 PM ![]() "Hang on, you mean the corpse had an erection?" HAHAHAHAHAH. THAT.WAS.EPIC. lesson extension = SLEEPY. it's like a for-the-love-of-god-just-let-me-go-back-to-sleep kind of lesson. yay! had a half-failed study date with yy and xiantong today. loving i-feel-like-doing-homework streaks and i-just-hate-that-bitch talks. (: to the girl who turned up late for our date without flowers; thanks for saying yes to the question that never had a question mark. letters on paper towels are not as cool as camwhoring in victoria theatre's toilet (seriously!), blasting every single dime in our wallets on desserts at posh restaurants, failed shopping dates which ended up measuring the height of a skyscraper heel using your face and just suan-ing you cause everyone is cool like that. yay! (today's kind of like a happy post. yeah, it's blue-moon rare so suck it all up through the straw) i got alot of holiday plans(((((: 1. PROJECT HAIR EX10SHUNS. (no i'm not a lian, or a something wannabe, I'M REBELLIOUS yo) 2. math study dates with math geek who got 95 for endyears. (just give me two-thirds of her score, i'm floating to heaven) 3. shop-pling! (even though me+yy+xt are broke like nobody's shit thanks to some people) 4. manicure date! 5. airport date! 6. crying foursome outing! 7. buy taylor swift's album(: 8. ohyeah and the most depressing one, CHINESE Os. hmmm, let's see, am i following the advice of our dear teachers who preach to us about the utmost importance of time management and that we shouldn't just waste our lives away like that cause we're just pathetic shit like that? NO? yay! got my contacts todayyyyy(: but my asshole brother picked a spec frame that's like 99.8 percent similar to mine. yay! momma's gonna give me-ah sum of moneh to spend on shoez! LALALALA. okay. happy mood pause. emo, you roll. i thought it'd be easier if i just moved on, forget we never were friends because it would be easier that way. because we live in two seperate worlds. you have your type of friends. i have my hilarious-assed and smart-assed friends. putting the two of us together would be asking two postive cations to become something, idk. it just doesn't work that way. and i'm sorry it didn't turn out the way i would have wanted it to be. something special, something close to my heart. back to weird and insane. i finally realized what is it like to actually freak out when you see someone sleep-talk in his sleep (obviously) slept at 1am last night rushing chinese homework and then caught my brother jerking out of his sleep, waving his hands in the air screaming 'OUTSIDE. OUTSIDE. OUTSIDE!' and then his eyes flutter open, his eyeballs blank but staring at you (like how a dead person's eyes look lifeless but as if he could see into the depths of your soul that kind) and then he flips back into sleep position and snores. god. it's downright freaky. so now i pity my mom when she saws i wake her up in the middle of the night because i sing off-key 'she wear short skirts, i wear tshirt' (okay, i swear i'm weird. proven. thankyou. very much) or just pouring shit out of my mouth cause that's what i do half the time when i'm wide awake. and for dancers (esp. yy, since i'm pretty sure i would be sleeping next to you), god bless you for dance chalet. OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH 1. have you bought taylor's new album? speak now? yes? yes? yes? 2. it's okay if your answer was no. have you listened to the #1 single mine? uh-huh? title rings a bell? 3. it's okay if you haven't. JUST GO LISTEN TO IT. i'm in the mood to like write a review once i lay my hands on the shiny mine-y speak now album(((: whatever, point is. GO LISTEN TO THE SONG 'BETTER THAN REVENGE'. IT'S BETTER THAN ANYTHING. probably my favourite song on the album. sypnosis: this song is about taylor swift bitching. one-hundred-and-one-percent-friggin-UN-believable. it's hayley-williams-ish. awesome song. i'll probably post a list of songs you should listen to since i want to infect everybody with the taylor swift spirit and yeah, save you to the trouble of going through the entire album. I.LOVE.PEOPLE.TO.READ.ENGLISH.ROMANCE.BOOKS.PERIOD. and to hell to those who think that these library books with a heart shape on the spine equates to oh-that-book-is-all-about-americans-fucking-each-other. oh, you stupid shallow mind. paranormal romance. historical romance. suspense romance. (oh god, i'm in love with the latter) and reading chick-lit does not mean we're shallowed holes, bimbotic, people who only care if our green shoes matches the jade in our earrings. no, dudette, no. please do not judge people by the books they read. a moron can read 'presentation skills of steve jobs' and albert einstein can read geronimo stilton -that mousey yellowy book that we all read in primary school - for anyone that cares. on thursday, speak now will be in my hands. AHHH, CANT WAIT. -A- |
♥Aksone♥♥Aliah♥ ♥Aishu♥ ♥Atikah♥ ♥Amadea♥ ♥Amanda♥ ♥Anita♥ ♥Beverly♥ ♥Boonboonhuihui♥ ♥Carin♥ ♥Celastine♥ ♥Celine♥ ♥Celine♥ ♥Chewan♥ ♥Christina♥ ♥Clara♥ ♥Conny♥ ♥Crystal♥ ♥Daphne♥ ♥Dayna♥ ♥Denise♥ ♥Eugenia♥ ♥Evangelyn♥ ♥Flower♥ ♥Geraldine♥ ♥Haining♥ ♥Huijie♥ ♥Huiying♥ ♥Jelaine♥ ♥Irene♥ ♥Iznayye♥ ♥Jarule♥ ♥Jeremy♥ ♥Jiaying♥ ♥Jolene♥ ♥Kimberly♥ ♥Kor Woong♥ ♥Krystal♥ ♥Laura♥ ♥Lingyi♥ ♥Lynnette♥ ♥Maika♥ ♥Mardiana♥ ♥Minying♥ ♥Nadene♥ ♥Nadiah♥ ♥Natasha♥ ♥Nicole♥ ♥Miss Claire♥ ♥Pamphila♥ ♥Plingy♥ ♥Sarah♥ ♥Vanessa♥ ♥Xinya♥ ♥Yingyi♥ |
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