This is the Algae Residences
How may I help you,
Don't be afraid to
Jump then Fall
This is the Algae Residences How may I help you, |
My best friend is the guitar. &I never need boyfriends.
I fall in love easily. With random things like country music, vampires,romance novels&colorful pens.
To me, Taylor Swift&The Saturdays are awesome.
I love little black dresses&scarves.
In my spare time, I like to design cards&conduct random science experiments like dipping eggs into acid.
Yeah&unlike normal humans, I like science, converging lenses&relative atomic masses included.
Secretly, I want to be a doctor& a guitarist on the spy when I grow up.
I love nonsense people who make me laugh.
&yes, I love inviting people to my house&being invited to other's houses.
I hate raindrops, airplanes, Jacob Black&jerks.
No, I'd never though that I was smart/gorgeous/talented.
I'm just a green colored pond scum.
A bitchy one to be precise.P.S My bitchiness is inherited, so beware of my mom. P.S And currently, I'm desperate for a new phone&a pair of flipflops. Indigo'09 1Hcube'08 2HighOnHiccups'09 Modern dancer |
- Friday, November 12, 2010 @ 9:28 PM ohgod, ilove this girl to pieces. the songs that she comes up with are so brilliant and this is probably the first time in my entire lifespan that i actually look up the meaning of a word in a song. and the word's cheam, it's patriarchal and it means 'ruled or controlled by men'. anyway, thumbs up for people who have used an encyclopedia in the last six months, (attempted) to read 'my antonia' and know how the hell the dewey decimal system works. (prove me wrong but i have a sneaking suspicion that there are actually people who do not what the shit is the dewey decimal. if you were thinking it mean changing one fifth into zero point two, i'm sorry to disappoint you) dance was omigod-could-time-pass-any-slower. if the japanese were to invade singapore again, they should totally hire my dance instructor and install her in the torture chambers. 1. i don't know whether is it a good thing or not when your CCA forces you to put salom pas on your ass. and friggin' hell, it doesn't work! i still have a sore ass. 2. and i guess there's a reason why dancers are in dance and not like applying for a scholarship to juilliards cause WE HAVE NO MUSICAL TALENT. xiantong and i can sit at the piano for half an hour playing love story which pretty much failed. yingyi cannot play 'mary had a little lamb' HAHAHAHA, but she can now! *claps* and it took me like three decades to figure out how to play 'doe a dear a female dear...' 3. IRENE NG, YOU SUCK. i don't know why either. cause we do gay shit stuff after dance and steal PSLs' food. 4. i swear my dance instructor has a knack for demoralizing people. like she's probably the president of the let's-douse-cold-water-on-people club. and thus, all the 'i cannot do it' statuses the dancers have been spamming on facebook. 5. AHHH, DANCE. open house is in 16days and we just chose what song to dance to today. how efficient, guys. AK47s. ballistic missiles. nuclear bombs sure thing, these weapons kill. they kill you fast enough that you wouldn't be able to feel anything. but to me, your words are worse than these badasses. every punctuation mark you end your sentence with, every dot on your letter i, every letter t that is crossed is like a knife pierced through my skin. it doesn't kill but like hell, it sure hurts alot. or another nerdy-er way of saying it would be the pain that you unknowingly inflict on me is like how viral pneumonia would feel like. i feel like coughing every single thing about you off my chest, what it felt like tracing your hand with my fingers, what it looked like when you were thinking really hard but that never happens anyway, cause pneumonia kills. slowly. but before it does, it hurts so damn bad you want it to be over. Can I help you see you're more than just that deadly phobia of fat Cause I know that you'd feel better if you tried Barbie could you meet me in the real world Where girls don't look the same And ambitions take them higher than your artificial fame lately, i've been thinking that she's probably written a book on how to be popular. how to touch your friend's shoulder when your laughing at the wrong punchline cause it makes them feel better anyway. what kind of text to send on what occassion. where to hang out with the right crowd at the right place. how to scatter your sheer awesomeness on social networking site. dudette, even girls grow up and stop playing with eleven-inch dolls, when are you going to throw away that plastic shell of yours? i never got why people got pissed at other people who lament over their marks even though they're like second in class or something like that. it's not because they don't how to count their blessings or they're just greedy fat bitches that survive because A1s are like necessary for them to respire. it's just a case of 'different people have different expectations'. sometimes A is not enough, sometimes being top is not enough. you should only stop when you're perfect. one zero zero. one hundred. so please stop hating people who complain over their marks despite the fact that you may have an extremely hard on the eyes L1R5. (i'm not saying me. just commenting. i'm not that smart anyway) -A- |
♥Aksone♥♥Aliah♥ ♥Aishu♥ ♥Atikah♥ ♥Amadea♥ ♥Amanda♥ ♥Anita♥ ♥Beverly♥ ♥Boonboonhuihui♥ ♥Carin♥ ♥Celastine♥ ♥Celine♥ ♥Celine♥ ♥Chewan♥ ♥Christina♥ ♥Clara♥ ♥Conny♥ ♥Crystal♥ ♥Daphne♥ ♥Dayna♥ ♥Denise♥ ♥Eugenia♥ ♥Evangelyn♥ ♥Flower♥ ♥Geraldine♥ ♥Haining♥ ♥Huijie♥ ♥Huiying♥ ♥Jelaine♥ ♥Irene♥ ♥Iznayye♥ ♥Jarule♥ ♥Jeremy♥ ♥Jiaying♥ ♥Jolene♥ ♥Kimberly♥ ♥Kor Woong♥ ♥Krystal♥ ♥Laura♥ ♥Lingyi♥ ♥Lynnette♥ ♥Maika♥ ♥Mardiana♥ ♥Minying♥ ♥Nadene♥ ♥Nadiah♥ ♥Natasha♥ ♥Nicole♥ ♥Miss Claire♥ ♥Pamphila♥ ♥Plingy♥ ♥Sarah♥ ♥Vanessa♥ ♥Xinya♥ ♥Yingyi♥ |
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