This is the Algae Residences
How may I help you,
Don't be afraid to
Jump then Fall
This is the Algae Residences How may I help you, |
My best friend is the guitar. &I never need boyfriends.
I fall in love easily. With random things like country music, vampires,romance novels&colorful pens.
To me, Taylor Swift&The Saturdays are awesome.
I love little black dresses&scarves.
In my spare time, I like to design cards&conduct random science experiments like dipping eggs into acid.
Yeah&unlike normal humans, I like science, converging lenses&relative atomic masses included.
Secretly, I want to be a doctor& a guitarist on the spy when I grow up.
I love nonsense people who make me laugh.
&yes, I love inviting people to my house&being invited to other's houses.
I hate raindrops, airplanes, Jacob Black&jerks.
No, I'd never though that I was smart/gorgeous/talented.
I'm just a green colored pond scum.
A bitchy one to be precise.P.S My bitchiness is inherited, so beware of my mom. P.S And currently, I'm desperate for a new phone&a pair of flipflops. Indigo'09 1Hcube'08 2HighOnHiccups'09 Modern dancer |
and hell, yeah - Thursday, June 11, 2009 @ 1:44 PM Good Afternoon! ok. i'm bored. D: my mom's not back from work so here i am, blogging let's talk about my monotonous life EVERYDAY I WAKE UP AT NINE. THAT'S WHEN I FIRST OPEN MY EYES. AND MIRACULOUSLY, I GET MY ASS OFF MY BED FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER. ONE HOUR LATER, I'M SIPPING A CUP OF MILK AND LOGGING ONTO MSN. I START TYPING A FEW SENTENCES ON MY LATEST STORY. LUNCH TIME: SAY BYE TO WHOEVER I AM TALKING TO ON MSN. MOST LIKELY, ELEANOR. EAT. MUNCH. CRUNCH. SIP. YUM. GET BACK TO THE COM. DO A LITTLE WORK. I'M NEVER PRODUCTIVE. DRAG MY ASS TO THE BATHROOM AND SHOWER. WHEN I'M BACK, SLACK A LITTLE MORE AND DO LESS THAN FACEBOOK-ING. *SIGHS* FACEBOOK IS ADDICTIVE. DINNER TIME: EAT. AGAIN. I FEEL FAT. THEN BACK TO THE STUPID COM. AT NIGHT, LIKE HELL, YOU'LL EXPECT ME TO DO WORK. YEAH. SO I MSN, FACEBOOK, SHOP ONLINE AND STUFF. EAT ICE CREAM AND CHOCOLATE. THAT'S THE REASON WHY I NEED TO GET ON A DIET. AND SOON. THE CLOCK STRIKES MIDNIGHT. CINDERELLA RUNS HOME. I SWITCH OFF MY LABTOP AND CLIMB INTO MY BED. NOT TO SLEEP, TO READ. I'VE NEGLECTED THE BABIES I'VE BROUGHT HOME FROM THE LIBARAY SO HERE I AM, ACCOMPANYING THEM TILL TWO IN THE WEE HOURS. DAMN IT. AND I FALL ASLEEP. and the next day continues. but luckily, i broke the chain of events yesterday. BY GOING TO THE DENTIST. *gasps* i'm going to teach you something. next time when you go to the dentist (no matter how hot is he, or how pretty are her nails) hell, don't open your eyes when you are being 'operated' on. even if i don't die from the cavities in my teeth, i'll die of a heart attack. each time i open eyes, i see needles. small one, long ones, big ones, thin ones, thick ones, filled ones. hell, i got three anathestic. how in the world do you spell that big work? do i look as if i know. of course. not. so yeah, nerve infection cranked me up. and instead of sending me for retail therapy at orchad, i brought to my dreaded dental appointment. shit-ass. dentist operated. i screamed, squirmed, wriggled and stuff like that. bleah. D: now i know why kids detest the guy in that crisp white uniform. ugh. so yeah, i was recommended to get braces. hell. i'm not aspring to be the next carrie or britney. -.- why in the world do i need friggin' braces?! plus, they said my nerve infection was serious. so i need root canal treatment. great. another scary 'operation'. but the price scares me more. 700 bucks. yeah. guess how many M.A.C make-up sets i can buy? don't even think. it makes me gek sim. oh well. and there's crowning to be done. well, i'm already a princess. they're going to upgrade me. :D no. it'll cost my mom another 300 bucks. damn it. i'm expensive to mantain. and don't even mention the braces. it'll cost at least a thousand right? and that's my teeth. I'M THE HEALTHIEST YET SICKEST PERSON ON EARTH. how ironic. let's take a look at the number of health problems i'm having now D: HEART PALPITATION (that's the big term for all the unusual heart beat, chest pain and breathlessness i get during dance and jogging. sometimes, at home) STIFF NECK (long hours of typing in front of the com. i swear it's not msn. my 120page long stories are the mastermind) HEART BURN (this has nothing to do with the heart. even though pain is felt near the heart. this has something to do with the digestive system and the stupid hydrochloric acid burning the walls of my gullet, i think) yeah. and i get cramps all month round. and stupid hip dislocations when i bathe. i swear i have no idea why. and let's take a look why i don't deserve to be so sick i don't crave for fried food. actually, i detest them. when was the last time you've seen me muching away on a chicken wing? i don't know either. i detest meat. they are poison. do you know how much energy and water is wasted on one kilogram of beef? i think it's like 400 litres of water. yeah. so go find out. i love carrots, lettuce and cauliflower. just keep the chili and brinjal and peas away from me. i do fine on other vegetables. i love yoghurt. and cheese. and eggs. my only source of protein. i like chocolate. heathly chocolate. not those that are ridden with sugar and calories. i strictly go for dark, bitter, at least 70% cocoa kind of chocolate. and now, what's with the world? i hate my body. ok, so yeah. back to my regime again. went to school today, library and is back home again. my chinese homework is waving hi to me from my table. shucks. i've got an appointment with him. toodles for now. love, algae |
♥Aksone♥♥Aliah♥ ♥Aishu♥ ♥Atikah♥ ♥Amadea♥ ♥Amanda♥ ♥Anita♥ ♥Beverly♥ ♥Boonboonhuihui♥ ♥Carin♥ ♥Celastine♥ ♥Celine♥ ♥Celine♥ ♥Chewan♥ ♥Christina♥ ♥Clara♥ ♥Conny♥ ♥Crystal♥ ♥Daphne♥ ♥Dayna♥ ♥Denise♥ ♥Eugenia♥ ♥Evangelyn♥ ♥Flower♥ ♥Geraldine♥ ♥Haining♥ ♥Huijie♥ ♥Huiying♥ ♥Jelaine♥ ♥Irene♥ ♥Iznayye♥ ♥Jarule♥ ♥Jeremy♥ ♥Jiaying♥ ♥Jolene♥ ♥Kimberly♥ ♥Kor Woong♥ ♥Krystal♥ ♥Laura♥ ♥Lingyi♥ ♥Lynnette♥ ♥Maika♥ ♥Mardiana♥ ♥Minying♥ ♥Nadene♥ ♥Nadiah♥ ♥Natasha♥ ♥Nicole♥ ♥Miss Claire♥ ♥Pamphila♥ ♥Plingy♥ ♥Sarah♥ ♥Vanessa♥ ♥Xinya♥ ♥Yingyi♥ |
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