This is the Algae Residences
How may I help you,
Don't be afraid to
Jump then Fall
This is the Algae Residences How may I help you, |
My best friend is the guitar. &I never need boyfriends.
I fall in love easily. With random things like country music, vampires,romance novels&colorful pens.
To me, Taylor Swift&The Saturdays are awesome.
I love little black dresses&scarves.
In my spare time, I like to design cards&conduct random science experiments like dipping eggs into acid.
Yeah&unlike normal humans, I like science, converging lenses&relative atomic masses included.
Secretly, I want to be a doctor& a guitarist on the spy when I grow up.
I love nonsense people who make me laugh.
&yes, I love inviting people to my house&being invited to other's houses.
I hate raindrops, airplanes, Jacob Black&jerks.
No, I'd never though that I was smart/gorgeous/talented.
I'm just a green colored pond scum.
A bitchy one to be precise.P.S My bitchiness is inherited, so beware of my mom. P.S And currently, I'm desperate for a new phone&a pair of flipflops. Indigo'09 1Hcube'08 2HighOnHiccups'09 Modern dancer |
- Friday, December 3, 2010 @ 5:11 PM HAHAHHAHAHAYAY! I.LOVE.THIS.GIRL. ((((((((((: move over grey's, move over upper east side, move over vampy diaries, GLEE'S HERE TO STAY. 1. ystd was the official last dance practice of the week, of the month, of the year. like YESSSS BABYYY, let's kiss why-the-hell-didnt-miss-chua-open-the-studio, muscle aches, bruises, constant reminders that you suckkkk from your teacher GOODBYE. at least for now. but i'll be missing 'imma lesbian, i love myself' AKA moon dancer AKA irene. missing peeps like deafknee, YY AH, daaaanise, yx, seet, and juniors. well, you can't have your cake and eat it. 2. went for my older bro's wedding on tuesday. it's was not a wagner's traditional wedding march den den den den and then they walk down the aisle, they exchange rings, say i do i do i do yeah man i do, and then wedding feast! blah, it was boring like shit. apparently, my considerate brother conveniently forgot that his little sister would break out in hives/smallpox/cowpox-like rashes when exposed to seafood of the world, thus i spent half the time texting laura and the other half asking my younger brother 'who the shit is that lao kok kok there?' cause we hardly knew anyone that was invited to the wedding. so you ask me, was it fun? 3. my homework pile is so stagnant mosquitoes larvaes can breed inside there. study dates, anyone? 4. this is the reason why you should not have kids. my unwed OTHER brother just invited a bunch of kids to my house. and god, THIS REDEFINES HELL. 'what's your name?' 'how old are you?' 'what shcool are you in?' 'what is your last name?' OHMYGOD, GET A LIFE. and then while i was watching glee, 'WHO'S THE GUY?! HAHAHAHA. HE HAS A FUNNY HAIRSTYLE' mohawk, girl, mohawk. and then she starts to throw a tantrum when her cousins play a prank on her. 'I'LL TELL MY MOTHER ABOUT YOUUUU' right, and i'll tell the president. hence, children is not an addition to your loving family aka propoganda to increase birth rate, it's waste of money, time, effort, increases our already high enough carbon emissions because diapers and milk powder don't fall from the sky and it contributes to air pollution, water pollution, most importantly, NOISE pollution. and don't say 'you were once a kid' in protest. i didn't choose to be born. 5. my mother has a tendency to give me a knowing look when we watch shows about teenage pregnancy, syphilis and my-boyfriend-dumped-me-after-bad-oral-sex. she condemns my interaction with anyone without ovaries. i have to change guy names on my msn to sarah and jane and cheryl for fear she impersonates me and throw my face in front of my already small enough social circle. so mah-ther, I'M NOT GETTING A BOYFRIEND IN THE NEAR FUTURE. or the far future. so please worry more about me turning homosexual then me being hetrosexual and horny with someone with balls. cause if you haven't realized, the only non-female i like on this earth is CHRIS COLFER. and he's gay. not happy gay. it's i-want-to-be-in-bed-with-another-man kind of gay. so there's no need to book an appointment with planned parenthood or place a reservation for medicine that cures gential warts any time soon. thankyou. 6. out of sheer curiousity of who actually read this blog, i decided to click some 'stats' hyperlink on i'm not batting an eyelid that most of my readers come from we-live-in-tiny-singapore. but what amazes me is that, russia comes in second. fifteen people from the largest country in the world clicked on an-alternate-paradise this week. woah is the word to describe everything running through my head. 7. my brother's friend misread my cedar dancer shirt as 'cedar cancer'. i LOL-ed for five minutes straight in macdonalds. 8. as if i don't need a reminder, i know i am a close to worthless, just another fiftten year old human breathing on this world. another mouth mother earth needs to feed. but i'm really praying this time - not because i have selfish needs such as i don't want my kpop idol to die - please do not start a world war three. not that mr. north korea or mr. south korea is reading my blog (no koreans on the stats apparently), but don't. i've never gone through a war, and i intend to make it through to my coffin without seeing a huge major i'm-going-to-plant-nuclear-bombs-and-blow-up-asians kind of thing. war is just a stupid chess game where ordinary people like us are the chess pieces. smaller, worthless people are the pawns. the higher the value gets, you get promoted. a bishop, a knight (not horse people). and chess games always end with less pieces you start with. people die, families get broken, dreams get smashed like glass against a concrete wall. and sure, i like to play chess. but i don't like being played in a chess game. and no, i'm not writing a paper trying to be some mediator or aiming to win noble prize for breaking up tensions. i'm just trying to speak up. a little voice no one's going to hear. not now, not ever. 9. i'm thinking if it is a compliment or insult when you're not legal to have sex or watch NC16 movies but you get approached by hard to shake off sellers who try to promote insurance and credit cards to you and you're offered alcohol at weddings. does making you feel old feel good? 10. the reason why i'm madly in love with taylor swift and is full of awe for dianna agron is not because they're blond (partly but still), or that they have incredibly beautiful eyes or flawless-ness that make angels cry. so if you're thinking that you increase your stats by coming up with a blueprint on how to be prettier, you're more wrong than when brittany said that the square root of four is rainbows. anyone who like anyone else just because they have nice eyes is as skin-deep as you are. and what's worse is that YOU'RE NOT EVEN THAT PRETTY SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU POLLUTING MY FACEBOOK HOME PAGE. 11. anyone can sing, they're singers. anyone can dance, they're dancers. anyone can love, but does that make them lovers? ; i've been thinking. like late-night-toss-and-turn-on-my-bed kind of thinking. i was more than a mean bitch. i was cynical. i was critical. i was selfish. i was inconsiderate. i was a two-faced whore. and the friendship that you're offering me now is the worst form of punishment you could ever offer me. and i'm trying to make amendment, trying to fill in the cracks when i broke everything. but it can never be enough, can it? -A- |
♥Aksone♥♥Aliah♥ ♥Aishu♥ ♥Atikah♥ ♥Amadea♥ ♥Amanda♥ ♥Anita♥ ♥Beverly♥ ♥Boonboonhuihui♥ ♥Carin♥ ♥Celastine♥ ♥Celine♥ ♥Celine♥ ♥Chewan♥ ♥Christina♥ ♥Clara♥ ♥Conny♥ ♥Crystal♥ ♥Daphne♥ ♥Dayna♥ ♥Denise♥ ♥Eugenia♥ ♥Evangelyn♥ ♥Flower♥ ♥Geraldine♥ ♥Haining♥ ♥Huijie♥ ♥Huiying♥ ♥Jelaine♥ ♥Irene♥ ♥Iznayye♥ ♥Jarule♥ ♥Jeremy♥ ♥Jiaying♥ ♥Jolene♥ ♥Kimberly♥ ♥Kor Woong♥ ♥Krystal♥ ♥Laura♥ ♥Lingyi♥ ♥Lynnette♥ ♥Maika♥ ♥Mardiana♥ ♥Minying♥ ♥Nadene♥ ♥Nadiah♥ ♥Natasha♥ ♥Nicole♥ ♥Miss Claire♥ ♥Pamphila♥ ♥Plingy♥ ♥Sarah♥ ♥Vanessa♥ ♥Xinya♥ ♥Yingyi♥ |
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